Beware of Childhood Cancer

27 September 2011

Beware of Childhood Cancer

Cancer is one of the world's biggest killer diseases, cancer cases in the world does not just affect adults only but in The children of cancer risk remains and the children health issues who are very serious one, is expected of all cases of cancer 2% up to 4% subjugate the children, it is donating 10% of deaths in children. Not yet known exactly what causes cancer in children. Obvious examples are the cancer that strikes infants, newborns, experts suspect that this is associated with cell growth aberrations caused Genetic defects in the womb. In older children experts suspect the trigger is a factor of environmental and food consumed unhealthy that many contain additional chemical ingredients, or the trigger of this cancer is due to radiation and virus infection, or can also be a combination of these factors above.
Cancer cases occurring in children the most is the case of Blood Cancer or in medical science called Leukemia, Cancer cases are reached between 25% -30% of all cases of cancer in children. Cancer cases and then the other is the Retinoblastoma (Cancer Retina Eye), Lymphoma (Lymph node cancer), Neuroblastoma (Cancer Nerve), Wilms Tumor (Kidney Cancer), Rabdomiosarkoma (Muscles Cancer Lurik), and Osteosarcoma (bone cancer).
Just as cases of cancer in adults, Cancer in The children are likely to be cured if detected and can be found in early stages. But do the detection of cancer in children is quite difficult and not easy, this is because the children have not been able to understand and tell the symptoms are felt. Thus the role of the people around him is very important, in order to detect symptoms that arise.
In fact, cancer can be cured if their existence is known from an early age. However, the causes of cancer in children is not easy to know at an early stage because of some disease at an early stage cancers rarely cause complaints. Additionally, children usually can not feel any abnormalities due to clinical signs or symptoms of cancer in children is not specific.
Treatment of cancer in children will depend on the type, stage, and completeness of treatment. Everything strived to achieve a cure, not merely extend the life course. Hope of a cure becomes greater if the patient could exceed the lifetime cancer 5 years after the integrated treatment. Even in some types of cancer requires less time than that. Although until now the cause of cancer is still mysterious and difficult to detect early, parents need not worry too much if there is a family history of cancer. Sikapi should be proportional and calm.
Type of Cancer is Often Found In Children   
1. Blood Cancer (Leukemia)
Leukemia or blood cancer is the cancer most often found in children. The amount is approximately 30% of all cancers in children. The highest incidence occurs in children aged 3-6 years. Symptoms to look out for :
  • Pain in the limbs (bones).
  • Fever is not clear why.
  • Abdominal palpable hard or swollen, and swollen lymph glands.
  • The surface of the skin appears blue-black or black but had not dropped or bumped.      
  • Pale accompanied by sluggish or weak. Generally this condition is associated with a decreased appetite.
2. Brain Cancer  
The impact of brain cancer that is destroying the structure and function of the central nervous system. Symptoms to look out for :
  • Headaches accompanied by nausea or vomiting that spurt, diminished or impaired vision, and there is loss of consciousness or behavioral changes.
  • There is a speech impairment or balance weakened limbs (paralysis) or seizures. 
  • The special feature in infants is prominent crown size.
3. Retina Eye Cancer (Retinoblastoma)  
This cancer is estimated to strike many babies aged 6 months - 2 years. The symptoms that arise among these white patches on the center of the eye that seemed to glow when exposed to light (like a cat's eye). Other symptoms that arise are disruption of vision, squint a sudden, at an advanced stage protruding eyeballs. 
4. Lymph node cancer (malignant lymphoma)
In this type of cancer mostly affects children aged 5-7 years, the parents must be vigilant in case of progressive swelling of lymph glands in the neck, armpit, and the colon without inflammation and pain. When swelling occurs in the intestines it can cause blockage of the bowel associated with symptoms of abdominal pain, vomiting, unable to defecate accompanied by fever. If the swelling grows around the chest then it can cause respiratory distress terdorongnya or so the patient will experience shortness of breath, face to blue hue and in addition the patient looks weak, lethargic with reduced appetite.
5. Nerve cancer (Neuroblastoma)   
This type of cancer can occur in various parts of the human body. In children most often occurs near the kidneys, lumbar region, neck and chest cavity, and eyes. When it occurs in the eye area can cause the eyeball protruding, swollen eyelids and the eyelids are blue or down, and dilated pupils. If there is in the spine, it can press against the spinal cord and resulted in rapid paralysis. The spread of the bone can cause fractures without cause, without pain, so people suddenly limp. Another symptom is the lumps appear in the head, or abdominal bloating and hard.
6. Kidney Cancer (Nefroblastoma)
Nefroblastoma or often called Wilms tumor is most common in children aged between 3-4 years, but can also attack newborn. Symptoms are characterized by bloody urine, discomfort in the stomach, and when old enough stomach looks bigger and feels hard when touched.
7. Muscle cancer (Rabdomiosarkoma)

This type of cancer can strike anywhere human muscle, in children are more often attacked on the head, neck, bladder, prostate, and vagina. Symptoms caused by cancer is not the same depending on the location of the cancer, if it occurs in the cavity of the eye, can cause the eyes to bulge outward, and a lump in my eyes. If the ear can cause pain or bleeding from the ear hole. In the urinary tract causing urinary disorders. If the limb striated muscle, causing swelling.
8. Bone Cancer (Osteosarcoma)

These cancers are usually more likely to affect children aged between 10-20 years. Cancer can attack any part of the bone, but the most commonly found is that attacking limb and hip, this is usually marked by pain and swelling of the bone. Sometimes preceded the crunch, for example such as a sudden fall is not clear why.
Parents should be more observant in monitoring their child's growth, when finding symptoms as above in infants and your children, consult your doctor immediately. The treatment is basically the same as adults, the combination of surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and bone marrow transplantation.
As for prevention efforts that can be done to this children health issues are, pregnant mothers should avoid radiation, avoiding pollution and cigarette smoke, always eat healthy foods and avoid foods that contain additional chemical ingredients, and contain preservatives, reducing fat consumption, and get the children to live healthy.