28 September 2011

Intestinal Worms In Children

Worm infection or commonly called worms include the infection is caused by the parasite and this will lead to children health issues. Parasites are small creatures that invade the body of its host by attaching themselves (either outside or inside the body) and take the nutrients from its host body. In the case of worms, the worms can even weaken the host's body and cause health problems.

Worms usually occurs due to lack of awareness of good hygiene to self or to the environment. Worms can be transmitted by the larvae / eggs & ingested into the body. Worms are invertebrates animals & long oval shaped that originated from eggs / larvae to turn into adult worms form. Worms can infect any part of the lived body as the skin, muscle, lung, or colon / digestive tract.

There are different types of worms that can harm our health, but most worms that attack humans are caused by the following types :
1. Pinworms

Pinworms or commonly referred to as pinworm is a worm which frequently infects children. This worm is very small (about 1 cm), pale, usually infects the intestinal organs. Pinworm infection is usually through a worm eggs finger drawn by children at play. Worm eggs can survive in the skin of children for long hours & can survive for 3 weeks on clothing, toys & bed. If the finger is no worm eggs into the mouth, the worm eggs will go into the body.

2. Roundworms

Roundworms are large worms, can infect humans or animals (cats / dogs), its shape resembling earthworms & live in the colon and can migrate to other organs including the lungs.

3. Tapeworm

Tapeworm can be found in animals like the cow / pig. Shaped like a long flat ribbon. Can be found in meat not cooked to perfection. This tapeworm cover other organs such as muscle, skin, heart, eyes & brains. Iinfeksi tapeworms may occur through consumption of food / meat that contained eggs / larvae of the tapeworm or through food, water or soil contaminated with feces containing eggs / larvae of the worm.

Symptoms of Intestinal Worms  

In general worms have the following symptoms :
  • Itching around the anus or vulva (female genitals). These symptoms will worsen at night when pinworms usually will come out of the body surface to lay its eggs around the anus / vulva. Worms also usually be seen in the stool.
  • Pain in the abdominal area. Tapeworms can cover the area of ​​muscle, skin, heart, eyes & brains.
  • Vision problems if there is in the eye by causing inflammation & injury to the retina of the eye. Roundworms can also be moved into the lungs causing a cough & asthma, and cause swelling in other organs.
In addition to the above, other symptoms that may arise are: Nausea, Weakness, Loss of appetite, abdominal pain, diarrhea, weight decrease due to insufficient absorption of nutrients from food.
In more advanced infections when the worms had migrated from the intestine to other organs, causing damage to organs & tissues, symptoms may arise: fever, A lump in the organ / tissue is, Can an allergic reaction to larval worms, bacterial infections, Seizures or neurological symptoms when the brain is affected organs.
Treatment of Intestinal Worms  
Drugs that have the effect as an anti-parasitic worms can be used for the treatment of this, there are two types of drugs commonly used are:
  1. Pirantel pamoic, The dose for the treatment of intestinal worms are not yet known type is:Adult / children: 10 mg / kg, administered in single doses.
  2. Mebendazole, The dose for the treatment of intestinal worms are not yet known type, similar to the above doses, namely: Adult / children: 10 mg / kg, administered in single doses.
If your family is exposed to intestinal worms, treatment should also be given to all family members to prevent / be aware of the occurrence of these worms. During the treatment period to avoid transmission of worms to other family members by washing hands with soap every discharged into the toilet or before touching food, also to avoid touching the mouth with unwashed hands.
Prevent Worms Come Again    
Maintaining personal hygiene is one key to preventing the onset of worms again. Here are some things to do, namely:
  • Be sure to always wash hands with soap before meals / each out of the toilet.
  • Keep your finger nails to keep it clean & well maintained.
  • Avoid nail biting / scratching the anus (particularly for pinworm infection).  
  • Get used to always shower in the morning (especially if the pinworm infection).
  • Get used to open the bedroom window all day, because the worm eggs are sensitive to sunlight (especially for pinworms).
  • Always keep the cleanliness of food consumed.
  • Get used to always consume meat that has been cooked to perfection.
Children health issues can be overcome if we know the causes, symptoms and treatment.     

Source : medicastore.com 

27 September 2011

Beware of Childhood Cancer

Cancer is one of the world's biggest killer diseases, cancer cases in the world does not just affect adults only but in The children of cancer risk remains and the children health issues who are very serious one, is expected of all cases of cancer 2% up to 4% subjugate the children, it is donating 10% of deaths in children. Not yet known exactly what causes cancer in children. Obvious examples are the cancer that strikes infants, newborns, experts suspect that this is associated with cell growth aberrations caused Genetic defects in the womb. In older children experts suspect the trigger is a factor of environmental and food consumed unhealthy that many contain additional chemical ingredients, or the trigger of this cancer is due to radiation and virus infection, or can also be a combination of these factors above.
Cancer cases occurring in children the most is the case of Blood Cancer or in medical science called Leukemia, Cancer cases are reached between 25% -30% of all cases of cancer in children. Cancer cases and then the other is the Retinoblastoma (Cancer Retina Eye), Lymphoma (Lymph node cancer), Neuroblastoma (Cancer Nerve), Wilms Tumor (Kidney Cancer), Rabdomiosarkoma (Muscles Cancer Lurik), and Osteosarcoma (bone cancer).
Just as cases of cancer in adults, Cancer in The children are likely to be cured if detected and can be found in early stages. But do the detection of cancer in children is quite difficult and not easy, this is because the children have not been able to understand and tell the symptoms are felt. Thus the role of the people around him is very important, in order to detect symptoms that arise.
In fact, cancer can be cured if their existence is known from an early age. However, the causes of cancer in children is not easy to know at an early stage because of some disease at an early stage cancers rarely cause complaints. Additionally, children usually can not feel any abnormalities due to clinical signs or symptoms of cancer in children is not specific.
Treatment of cancer in children will depend on the type, stage, and completeness of treatment. Everything strived to achieve a cure, not merely extend the life course. Hope of a cure becomes greater if the patient could exceed the lifetime cancer 5 years after the integrated treatment. Even in some types of cancer requires less time than that. Although until now the cause of cancer is still mysterious and difficult to detect early, parents need not worry too much if there is a family history of cancer. Sikapi should be proportional and calm.
Type of Cancer is Often Found In Children   
1. Blood Cancer (Leukemia)
Leukemia or blood cancer is the cancer most often found in children. The amount is approximately 30% of all cancers in children. The highest incidence occurs in children aged 3-6 years. Symptoms to look out for :
  • Pain in the limbs (bones).
  • Fever is not clear why.
  • Abdominal palpable hard or swollen, and swollen lymph glands.
  • The surface of the skin appears blue-black or black but had not dropped or bumped.      
  • Pale accompanied by sluggish or weak. Generally this condition is associated with a decreased appetite.
2. Brain Cancer  
The impact of brain cancer that is destroying the structure and function of the central nervous system. Symptoms to look out for :
  • Headaches accompanied by nausea or vomiting that spurt, diminished or impaired vision, and there is loss of consciousness or behavioral changes.
  • There is a speech impairment or balance weakened limbs (paralysis) or seizures. 
  • The special feature in infants is prominent crown size.
3. Retina Eye Cancer (Retinoblastoma)  
This cancer is estimated to strike many babies aged 6 months - 2 years. The symptoms that arise among these white patches on the center of the eye that seemed to glow when exposed to light (like a cat's eye). Other symptoms that arise are disruption of vision, squint a sudden, at an advanced stage protruding eyeballs. 
4. Lymph node cancer (malignant lymphoma)
In this type of cancer mostly affects children aged 5-7 years, the parents must be vigilant in case of progressive swelling of lymph glands in the neck, armpit, and the colon without inflammation and pain. When swelling occurs in the intestines it can cause blockage of the bowel associated with symptoms of abdominal pain, vomiting, unable to defecate accompanied by fever. If the swelling grows around the chest then it can cause respiratory distress terdorongnya or so the patient will experience shortness of breath, face to blue hue and in addition the patient looks weak, lethargic with reduced appetite.
5. Nerve cancer (Neuroblastoma)   
This type of cancer can occur in various parts of the human body. In children most often occurs near the kidneys, lumbar region, neck and chest cavity, and eyes. When it occurs in the eye area can cause the eyeball protruding, swollen eyelids and the eyelids are blue or down, and dilated pupils. If there is in the spine, it can press against the spinal cord and resulted in rapid paralysis. The spread of the bone can cause fractures without cause, without pain, so people suddenly limp. Another symptom is the lumps appear in the head, or abdominal bloating and hard.
6. Kidney Cancer (Nefroblastoma)
Nefroblastoma or often called Wilms tumor is most common in children aged between 3-4 years, but can also attack newborn. Symptoms are characterized by bloody urine, discomfort in the stomach, and when old enough stomach looks bigger and feels hard when touched.
7. Muscle cancer (Rabdomiosarkoma)

This type of cancer can strike anywhere human muscle, in children are more often attacked on the head, neck, bladder, prostate, and vagina. Symptoms caused by cancer is not the same depending on the location of the cancer, if it occurs in the cavity of the eye, can cause the eyes to bulge outward, and a lump in my eyes. If the ear can cause pain or bleeding from the ear hole. In the urinary tract causing urinary disorders. If the limb striated muscle, causing swelling.
8. Bone Cancer (Osteosarcoma)

These cancers are usually more likely to affect children aged between 10-20 years. Cancer can attack any part of the bone, but the most commonly found is that attacking limb and hip, this is usually marked by pain and swelling of the bone. Sometimes preceded the crunch, for example such as a sudden fall is not clear why.
Parents should be more observant in monitoring their child's growth, when finding symptoms as above in infants and your children, consult your doctor immediately. The treatment is basically the same as adults, the combination of surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and bone marrow transplantation.
As for prevention efforts that can be done to this children health issues are, pregnant mothers should avoid radiation, avoiding pollution and cigarette smoke, always eat healthy foods and avoid foods that contain additional chemical ingredients, and contain preservatives, reducing fat consumption, and get the children to live healthy.



26 September 2011

Fever In Children

Fever is an increase in body temperature in response to infection, injury, or inflammation. Children health issues his body temperature rise and fall, and the temperature rose to 100.3 º F (about 38 º C) could be a natural thing in healthy children. Therefore, small temperature increases that do not pester a child does not require medical attention. Temperature of 100.4 ° (about 38 º C) and higher are considered unnatural and usually need attention, particularly in infants under 3 months.

Causes of Fever In Children

Fever is usually the result of common infections such as colds and gastroenteritis. These infections are usually viral and get better without treatment. Less commonly, fever due to infections of the ears, lungs, bladder, or kidney, usually bacterial infections require antibiotics. In infants rarely, fever may be the only sign of bloodstream infection (occult bacteremia), which can lead to meningitis and overwhelming infection (sepsis), two life-threatening conditions. Children with this type of infection usually appear ill. Many conditions other than infection causing fever in children, but all are rare. Not the same as the fever caused by common infections, fever lasts more than a few days.

Fever can occur after routine vaccinations and not a reason to avoid the vaccine are recommended. Giving your baby acetaminophen or ibuprofen at the time of vaccination and thereafter to minimize the risk of fever or lower the fever itself.

Fever Symptoms In Children 

Infants who experience fevers are usually irritable and could not sleep or eat properly. Older children lose interest in play, although sometimes children with high fevers look healthy. Occasionally, rapid high fever can cause an attack (an attack of febrile), and very rarely, fever became so high that the child becomes lethargic and no reaction.

Your Child's Temperature  

Children most accurately measure temperature using digital thermometers, and that in measuring rectal temperature. However, oral temperature measurements can be accurate when performed in children over 4-5 years, or ear temperatures in children over 6 months. Measuring axillary temperature is the least accurate, but can be useful when performed on children less than 3 months. If the axillary temperature over 37.2 º C, the rectal temperature should be measured. On the other hand, it is not accurate when measuring the body temperature by feeling the child's skin. This is called the temperature of tactile (touch) because it is subjective, which is strongly influenced by the temperature measurement of people who feel the skin of the child. Here's how to measure the temperature of the child :

  • Axillary temperature : place the tip of the thermometer in the armpit dry and then children with mengempitnya Hold the thermometer between the elbow to the chest for 4-5 minutes.  
  • The temperature of the ear: to note that the ear thermometers are not used for children under 6 months. When a new child from outside the home where the weather is cold, wait 15 minutes before measuring the ear temperature. Ear infections do not affect the accuracy of the temperature of the ear. The trick, she should pull the ear outward and back before inserting the thermometer then hold the tool in the child's ear for about 2 seconds.
  • Rectal temperature: the child was placed in the lap of the examiner with the stomach as the base, apply a little earlier jely cream or lubricant (eg Vaseline) on the tip of the thermometer, insert the thermometer gently to a rectal thermometer child until the silver tip is not visible (0.5 to 1 , 25 cm in the rectum), hold the thermometer in place. Hold for 2 minutes for mercury thermometers or less than 1 minute to digital.
  • Oral temperature: the note is not to measure temperature at the mouth of the child if the child is eating or drinking hot or cold in the last 30 minutes. Previous clean the thermometer with cool water and soap and then rinse with water until clean. Place the tip of the thermometer under the tongue towards the back. Ask the children to hold a thermometer in his mouth. Try your lips to hold the thermometer in for about 3 minutes for mercury thermometers or less than 1 minute to digital.
Proper Handling Fever In Children    
  •  Parents should not panic in the face of a child with a fever.
  • If kids want to drink, give the child to drink more or more often than usual.  
  • Parents can give febrifuge already recommended by your doctor about how drinking and the dose.
  • If after being given the drug no improvement, should be taken to a doctor or other health facilities. 
The most common and traditional way of dealing with a fever at home is to compress. Compress is allowed and encouraged by warm water (temperature from 29.4 to 32.2 degrees Celsius). How to compress the right:  
  • Give febrifuge 30 minutes before it compresses.
  • Compress using cloth that has been moistened with warm water temperature from 29.4 to 32.2 degrees centigrade and has been squeezed, then wipe the body, arms and legs.
  • Do not use cold water or alcohol to compress, because the alcohol will be absorbed by the skin or respiratory inhaled, can cause coma.  
 For additional treatment of children health issues these depends on child's age and cause of the fever.

Child's Eye Health Issues

There are a variety of eye problems that can befall a child at each stage of growth. Abnormalities of the eye at the age under one year generally are innate / congenital. The following conditions on eye children health issues:
  • Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is a condition where the retina has not been perfect and the only part of development that overwhelmed so easily damaged blood vessels and detached, causing blindness. This condition is more common in babies born prematurely.
  • Congenital glaucoma is congenital condition where the eye drainage channel is not formed correctly before birth.
  • Conjunctivitis gonorrhea infection in infants born vaginally to mothers exposed to gonorrhea.
  • Infantile cataract is cloudiness in the eyes of newborns.
Abnormalities in a more advanced age due to developmental disorders or diseases. Here are some eye health problems that can befall a child :
  • Abnormalities of refraction so that the lens of the eye does not refract or reflect light properly, so images appear blurred. Nearsightedness, farsightedness and Astigmatism / cylindrical refractive error is the most common.
  • Strabismus (crossed eyes) is a visual defect in which the two eyes point leads to a different focus. One eye can lead to the right, left, upward, or downward, while the other eye fixed on the other. Strabismus causes the loss of stereoscopic depth perception. With early detection, strabismus can be corrected by closing the eye that focuses completely thereby forcing the eye that does not sync to work. Operations or special glasses can also help eye alignment.
  • Retinoblastoma is a malignant tumor that usually appears within the first 3 years of life. The affected eye may lose visual and white pupils.
  • Amblyopia (lazy eye) is the lack of visual acuity defect that can not be fully corrected with eyeglasses or contact lenses. Two common causes of amblyopia is a cross eye refraction and refractive difference between the eyes. If left untreated, amblyopia can cause permanent vision loss in the affected eye. Amblyopia must be corrected in the pre-school age.

Signs of Eye Disorders

Rarely moving the eyes, do not turn a blind eye when in bright sunlight, or lack of consistent response to the mother's face is a sign of a baby having vision problems in both eyes. Delay stages of vision, eye complaints, watery eyes, likes to squint / blink or frown, and squint eyes are another common sign. Examination by an ophthalmologist who trained highly recommended if these signs are present. Especially, watch out for the following developmental delays in your child :
  •  In the first week after birth, the baby does not direct the view towards the light or vice versa, just avoid the light.
  • At the age of one to two months have not looked at his mother's face.
  • At the age of three to four months did not see his hands. He did not smile on the faces are familiar.
  • At the age of six months does not capture the object to be brought to the mouth. He seems not to distinguish faces familiar with strangers.
  • At the age of nine months did not react to sudden movements. He did not look for objects that disappear from view.
In children of school age, the following signs may be present :
  • Sitting too close to the TV
  • Frequent squinting
  • The inability to see objects from far away
  • Difficulty reading       
  • The inability to read the blackboard
How to test the eyesight of children?  
Try putting an interesting object in front of one eye and observe how your baby reacts to the object. Objects can face you or a small toy, such as brightly colored dolls. Reaction would indicate the presence and quality of vision in the eye being tested. In this case you should not use an object that reads, for example, small bells, because it will be difficult to determine whether the baby to see or hear the bell.
Once toddlers begin to speak, he could be invited to participate in the testing process. The pictures or familiar objects, such as toys, dolls, and others can be used for testing. Children are asked to identify the object shown. Each eye must be tested separately, with the other eye closed, because that's the best way to find out whether there are differences in the ability of vision.
Immediately to an ophthalmologist to cope and deal with problems in the eye so that the children health issues can be overcome. As the main key to success in healing the eye is early detection.